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BNK603 Midterm 2011 Paper Subjective Questions

Sunday, 8 July 2012
Spring 2011
BNK603- Consumer Banking
Shared by Ambar Khaild
Time: 60 min
                                                                                                                  Marks= M = 41

BNK603 - Consumer Banking - Q.No. 23 ( M - 3 ) 
What type of risk and implication are associated to growth of customer finance?

BNK603 - Consumer Banking - Q.No. 24 ( M - 3 ) 
Why consumer says that info disclosure practices are poor in bank? www.vuzs.net

BNK603 - Consumer Banking - Q.No. 25 ( M - 3 ) 
What is difference between doorstep delivery and point of sale delivery?

BNK603 - Consumer Banking - Q.No. 26 ( M - 5 )
What is CFC?

BNK603 - Consumer Banking - Q.No. 27 ( M - 5 )
Explain money laundering?


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