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CS605 GDB Solution Due Date July 05, 2012

Thursday, 5 July 2012
                                           CS605 GDB Solution Due Date July 05, 2012                                           

There are number of methods for measuring the size of the software e.g. Lines of code (LOC), Number of objects, Functional points (FP) etc.
A part of the community is using these metrics to measure the size of software applications; however other part of community suspects their accuracy and claims that these metrics do not provide the appropriate way to measure the size. What is your opinion, justify or contradict with logical reasons.
Try to provide precise, to the point answer and avoid irrelevant details. Answer should not exceed 200 words.

As software develops we get better at formulating good strategies for development, and better at trapping errors. (1) But at the same time the demand for increasingly more capable software means the programs get larger and more complex. [ Example - - early word processing software e.g. WordStar was not capable of displaying true page layout or typeface. But it fitted on a floppy disk (360k) and ran under DOS on a 640k memory. Currently Windows + Office needs 4G of system memory And every line of code increases the likelihood of a "bug". So what you define as quality depends on the level of sophistication you require and the amount of bugs you can tolerate


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