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MTH603 GDB Solution Spring July 2012

Sunday, 8 July 2012
The topic for Graded Moderated Discussion Board is

“Compare the efficiency and characteristics of Predictor- Corrector methods available to you.”

Idea Solution

Predictor–corrector method is an algorithm thatproceeds in two steps. First, the prediction step calculates a roughapproximation of the desired quantity. Second, the corrector step refines theinitial approximation using another means. A predictor¬¬–corrector methodtypically uses an explicit method for the predictor step and animplicit method for the corrector step. A simple predictor–corrector method canbe constructed from the Eulermethod (an explicit method) and the trapezoidal rule (an implicit method). Effectiveness and Characteristics

The idea behind the predictor-corrector methods is to use a suitable combination of an explicit and an implicit technique to obtain method with better convergence characteristics Runge Kutta method Euler Method, Trapezoidal Rule are predictor corrector methods


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