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CS507 Midterm Solved Paper 2009-3

Sunday, 2 September 2012
Spring 2009
CS507- Information Systems

Time: 60 min
                                                                                                                    M a r k s: 40

 Question No: 1 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Procedures are organized in a ------------------------manner to form systems
Procedures are organized in a logical manner to form systems. 
Question No: 2 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Business is a system where management decisions are influenced by or have an influence on suppliers, customers, society as a whole.
 Business is a system where management decisions are influenced by or have an influence on suppliers, customers, society as a whole. 
Question No: 3 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
---------infrastructure consists of the physical facilities services and management that support all computing resources in an organization
Information infrastructure consists of the physical facilities services and management that support all computing resources in an organization. 
Question No: 4 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
The term information architecture describes a specialized ---------------- which relates to the management of information and employment of informational tools.
Skill Set
Data Set
Tool Set
The term information architecture describes a specialized skill set which relates to the management of information and employment of informational tools. 
Question No: 5 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
An integrated man-machine system for providing information to support the operations, management and decision making functions in an organization called----------.
MIS: “An integrated man-machine system for providing information to support the operations, management and decision making functions in an organization.”
Question No: 6 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Which type of decision is one for which there may be several "right" answers and there is no precise way to get a right answer?
 A non structured decision is one for which there may be several "right" answers, and there is no precise way to get a right answer. Most decisions have structured and non structured elements.
Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
In ______ style managers allow employees to take part in decision making.
► Authoritative
► Mixed
► Democratic
In a Democratic style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making.
Question No: 8 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Which of the following is a project management technique that divides complex projects into smaller, more easily managed segments or phases?
System Design
System Analysis
Audit Trials
The systems development life cycle is a project management technique that divides complex projects into smaller, more easily managed segments or phases.
Question No: 9 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
CRM software requires highly integrated environment for high Productivity, which is rarely available.
CRM software requires highly integrated environment for high productivity, which is rarely available.
Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Which of the following helps in getting the right material and physical resources together at the right place and at the right time to meet the customer’s requirements?
MRP helps in getting the right material and physical resources together at the right place and at the right time to meet the customer’s requirements.
Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
The procedures to follow when decision is needed can be specified in advance:
Question No: 12 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
Information products made more valuable by their attributes, characteristics, or qualities:
Information products made more valuable by their attributes, characteristics, or qualities.
Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
In _____ decisions, problem is recurring and repetitive:
Semi structured
Structured decisions: Where problem is recurring and repetitive, the common factors can be identified in order to identify a particular course of action.
Question No: 14 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
_______ is the raw data entered in the computer system.
Input element
Control Mechanism
Output System
Input elements: Raw Data input to the computer system.
Question No: 15 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
A problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying, how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose is one of the definitions of system analysis.
 “A problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying, how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose.
Question No: 16 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://vuzs.net
System analysis creates the understanding and lays out the necessary relationships that will assist in defining a solution to the problem or the design of the proposed software that will meet the user needs.
System analysis creates the understanding and lays out the necessary relationships that will assist in defining a solution to the problem or the design of the proposed software that will meet the user needs.
Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 )
What is information System?
Information Systems: Interrelated components working together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination control, analysis and visualization in an organization.
Question No: 18 ( M a r k s: 1 )
Enlist the categories of the Support system
Support systems can be classified into two categories:
• Office automation systems
• Decision support systems
Question No: 19 ( M a r k s: 2 )
What is an Office Automation System?
Office Automation Systems
Office automation system includes formal and informal electronic systems primarily concerned with the communication of information to and from persons both inside and outside the firm. It supports data workers in an organization.
For Instance
• Word processing
• Desktop publishing
• Imaging & Web publishing
• Electronic calendars – manager’s appt. calendars
• Email
• Audio & video conferencing – establishing communication between geographically dispersed persons.
Question No: 20 ( M a r k s: 3 )
What do you understand by ERD? Define briefly
Entity Relationship Diagram: "The entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data model or diagram for high-level descriptions of conceptual data model, and it provides a graphical notation for representing such data models in the form of entity-relationship diagrams."
Question No: 21 ( M a r k s: 5 )
Differentiate between the following:
Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing
Computer Aided Design (CAD):
“It is a system that enables drawings to be constructed on a computer screen and subsequently stored, manipulated and updated electronically.”
The ability to rotate or create movement in the design allows testing for clearances and frequently reduces the cost of prototyping the products. The technology is used for a wide variety of products in such fields as architecture, electronics, and aerospace, naval, and automotive engineering. Although CAD systems originally merely automated drafting, they now usually include three-dimensional modeling and computer simulated operation of the model. Rather than having to build prototypes and change components to determine the effects of tolerance ranges, engineers can use computers to simulate operation to determine loads and stresses. For example, an automobile manufacturer might use CAD to calculate the wind drag on several new car-body designs without having to build physical models of each one. In microelectronics, as devices have become smaller and more complex, CAD has become an especially important technology. Among the benefits of such systems are lower product-development costs and a greatly shortened design cycle. While less expensive CAD systems running on personal computers have become available for do-it yourself home remodeling and simple drafting, state-of-the-art CAD systems running on workstations and mainframe computers are increasingly integrated with computer-aided manufacturing systems.
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery. The technology evolved from the numerically controlled machines of the 1950s, which were directed by a set of coded instructions contained in a punched paper tape. Today a single computer can control banks of robotic milling machines, lathes, welding machines, and other tools, moving the product from machine to machine as each step in the manufacturing process is completed. Such systems allow easy, fast reprogramming from the computer, permitting quick implementation of design changes. The most advanced systems, which are often integrated with computer-aided design systems, can also manage such tasks as parts ordering, scheduling, and tool replacement. It is a system that uses computer aided techniques to control production facility. Some of these techniques are o Computer-aided process planning – Use of computer to control activities and functions to prepare a detailed set of plans and instructions to produce a machine or part. – Machines
  • Computerized Numerical control (CNC) – refers specifically to the computer control of machine tools for the purpose of (repeatedly) manufacturing complex parts in metal as well as other materials. e.g. drills, wood routers use this technology.
  • Robotics programming – The science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots. – Automobile industry.
Question No: 22 ( M a r k s: 10 )
Discuss different phases of decision making process in detail
Question No: 22 ( M a r k s: 10 )
Discuss different phases of decision making process in detail.
Phases of decision-making process are:
• Intelligence – searching for conditions in the environment that call for decisions
• Design – inventing, developing, and analyzing possible courses of action
• Choice – selecting a course of action from those available
• Implementation – implementing the selected course of action
• Monitoring – checking the consequences of the decision made after  implementation.
The Intelligence Phase
Scan the environment to identify problem situations or opportunities. Conditions that call for decisions are identified. Typical Activities include:
• Country Risk based on following
o Country credit rating
o Transparency
o Corruption
• Facilities for one window operation (levels of bureaucracy)
o SRO Culture
o Govt. Policy
o Law & Order
o Exchange rates
For instance, international banks while entering into country make assessment of exposure and thus limit the maximum number of transactions the bank can undertake.
a) What are the possible advantages, disadvantages, and risks?
b) How much resources will be diverted from other activities?
c) When should we start? And so forth.
The Design Phase
Possible courses of actions are invented, developed, and analyzed.
Typical Activities include:
Select criteria for assessing the alternatives (e.g., ROI, market share, etc.)
• Create alternatives: invest now, invest later, do not invest
• Analyze levels and timing of investment
• Information flow for decision making
• Prepare a feasibility study
• How will the choice be made, by whom, and when?
The Choice Phase
A course of action is selected out of the available alternatives as devised in the
design phase. Typical Activities include:
• Get information
• Final evaluation
• Sensitivity analysis
16.5 The Implementation Phase
Implement the selected course of action. Typical Activities include:
• Follow the implementation plan
• Deal with resistance to change and necessary approvals and authorizations
• Conduct training
• Transfer resources


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