Test Case Example
Test Case #:1234
Test Case Name: Medicine Receive Module
System: Health Sales Management System Subsystem: data Entry
Designed by: ABC Design Date: 28/11/2004
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Short Description: Test the DATA of Item received Entry system
Data Entery Operator should allowed for data entry – Accessed by the system by loging in the application.
The system displays the main menu , with the current items in the Medical Store
Step | Action | Expected System Response | Pass/ Fail | Comment |
1 | Click to enter new data | display a new screen with the fields asking about the details of item | | |
2 | Enter the all the details | Display all the details in well mannered way and ask confirmation to change the current inventory of items | | |
3 | Click ‘YES’ | The system will updated and shows the changed inventory and get to main screen again | | |
4 | Click to edit/ delete data items | Shows the data items in the inventory and ask to edit / delete the data items | | |
5 | Make selection of delete or changed items | Proceed to ‘next’ asking confirmation proceeded by “YES” and shows the successfully message | | |
6 | Check the post conditions | | | |
1. DATA base of Inventry should be display the updated inventory state.
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