Tutorial: use maps 4S iPhone iPhone iOS 4 and 6 in previous
If you want to install the maps on your iPhone 4S iPhone 4, iPhone 3G or iPod Touch 3DEnabler only have to install on your device with IOS 6 and jailbreak, but as the Cydia jailbreak brings not have to do it over SSH.
First of all remember that the jailbreak is tethered IOS 6 and that you should restart your iPhone with Redsn0w each time out.
An iPhone with jailbreak iPhone OS 6 and made
An application for access via SSH to your iPhone
Download this file. deb 3DEnabler
A. - SSH to the route
/ Private / var / tmp and put the file you downloaded earlier.
2. - Open Terminal from the same application for which we accessed by SSH
3. - When we ask for the password enter "alpine"
4. - Write in Terminal "dpkg-i / tmp/3denabler.deb" and press Enter
5. - Type "apt-get update" and press Enter again
6. - Type "apt-get install MobileSubstrate" and press Enter
7. - Type "apt-get-f install" and press Enter
8. - Enter "y" and press Enter
9. - We got our device and reboot
You already have the maps on your iPhone iPhone 4S 4, 3G or iPod Touch.
Source - Applied. Cydia
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