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CS506 Final term Subjective Paper 2012

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

CS506 - Web Design and Development Finalterm Subjective Paper July 2012

Qno.1  What is JavaBean ?
Qno.2  How JSF does provide Navigation ?
Qno.3  What is Expression in JSP ? Give an example
Qno.4  Suppose you are Web Developer in SoftImpack company, you need to advise how can suggest JSP directive ?
Qno.5 What do you know about forward and how does work request dispatchers include method ?
Qno.6  Disadvantages of URL Rewriting ?
Qno.7 What are the Data Definition Language DDL, statement of SQL ?
Qno.8  diff b/w encodeURL and encodeRedierstURl    
Qno.9  Differentiate between Web Services and We Pages ?
Qno.10 What is validator? write types of built in validator.

CS506 Final term Subjective Solved by MOAAZ

CS506 - Web Design and Development  Solved Subjective from Finalterm Papers

Solved by Moaaz Siddiq

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CS506 Final term MCQs Solved by MOAAZ

CS506 - Web Design and Development  Solved Objective from Finalterm Papers

Solved by Moaaz Siddiq

CS506 Final term Subjective Mega Papers 2012

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

                CS506 final Solved Subjective  2012

Jawad Lati

CS506 Final term Subjective Papers 2012

CS506 Web Design and Development Final term Subjective Papers(Feb, 2012)

• Disadvantage of Page-centerd approach (2 marks)
• Methods of session tracking (2 marks)
• what does finalization means? (2 marks)
• What does error 404 display? (3 marks)
• Why do we need Expression language?
• Jsp directive .
• Difference of forward and send redirect.
• Jsp page directive? (5 marks)
• Request dispatchers include method? (5 marks)
• Why J2EE is called multidirective? (5 marks)

2 Marks each
Q1. What is the format in which the source code of Java converted after compilation?
Q2. How many types of comments are used in JSP?
Q3. How to track a user session in Servlet?
Q4 Write briefly two charaterstics of Expression Language?
Q4. Why yield ?() method used?

 Q1. Which method is used to read an object through serialization?
Q2. Explain your words that how Java bean is intended for use in some type of building tool?
Q3. What are expression language Nuggets?
Q4. What are the benefits of using Pakages? Explain.
Q5. What is the puposes of wait (), notify, notify all() methods?
Q1 Types of layers? Briefly explain each. (5 Marks )
Q2: What is expresion in JSP? Give an example (5 Marks )
Q3: Why tracking is necessary ?(5 Marks )

2 Mark Questions:
Write 2 Characteristics of Expression Language.
Why yield( ) method use ?
What is the hidden comment in JSP ?
Which method of ResultSetMetaData object is used to return the suggested column label for print out ?

3 Marks Questions:
What is the purpose of wait( ) , notify( ) and notifyAll( ) methods ?
What are the three stages of Servlet Life cycle?
Advantages of using Custom Tags ?
How does JSF provides Navigation ?
Difference between static and non static inner class ?

5 Marks Questions:
Which Five operators are used in Expression Language?
What is Expression in JSP? Give an example.
Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig?
Some other Current Questions:
Name any two logical layers of we application ?
Write briefly 2 characteristic of EL ?
Why do we use session tracking in HTTP servlets ?
How JSP pages are informed about the error ?
Write Code for a method ResultSetMeteData abject(RS) to return the DB name of 2nd column?
Write Advantages of JASP over Servlet?
What is Significance of error Pages?
Write features that JSP provide ?
How can we encode URL which is sent to Client?
What are the types of layers ?

How can overflow occur in floating point? (2 Marks)
What is Packet Switching? (2 Marks)
Difference between Eagle and modified Eagle (2 Marks)
Why we represent sometime some numbers in sign magnitude form. (2 Marks)

What is 4-address instruction set and when it use? (3 Marks)
Difference between virtual address and physical address  (3 Marks)
Why Transaction Lockaside Buffer is used? How it is implemented inside CPU?  (3 Marks)
What is sender overhead and receiver overhead in computer networks?  (3 Marks)

What is difference of instruction in machine with and without Pipeline?  (5 Marks)
Convert (0.23)10 to the base 2 address. (5 Marks)
Consider a 4 way set-associative cache with 256KB capacity and 32 byte lines (5 Marks)
a) How many sets are there in the cache? (5 Marks)
b) How many bits of address are required to select a set in cache? (5 Marks)

CS506 Mid term Paper Subjective 2011

Why do we use prepared Statement object? 5 marks
How can a GUI component handle its own events? 3 marks
What Difference between serialization and de-serialization? 3 marks
Write Different between abstract class and interface class? 2 marks
Write 4 types of JDBC Driver. 2 marks
If a method is declared as protected where can be the method accessed? 2 marks
How do we load a driver and how do we define a connection for URL and JDBC (5)
What is the difference between Applet and Application (5)
Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an inheritance and extending a class(3)
Difference between serialization and deserialization (3)
Difference between character oriented and byte oriented streams (2)
Why is executeUpdate() used (2)
Name component subclasses that support painting (2)

CS506 Final term Paper Solved 2010

Spring 2010
CS506- Web Design and Development

Time: 90 min

M a r k s: 60
Question No: 1    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 DSN stands for ___________.
       Domain System Name
       Data Source Name
       Database System Name
       Database Simple Name
Question No: 2    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
One application has _________ servlet context(s).
Question No: 3    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 In packages, we organize files into different directories according to their ____________.
       All of these
Question No: 4    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
Entire JSP page gets translated into a servlet ____________.
       Every time when it is accessed
       Every time when the page is refreshed
       Every time when the browser is restarted
Question No: 5    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 A bean class ___________ be serializable.
Question No: 6    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 JSP action elements allow us to work with _____________.
Question No: 7    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
MVC stands for _____________.
       Model View Content
       Model View Controller
       Multi View Controller
       Multi View Content
Question No: 8    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Layers represent the _____________ view of application.
       None of these
Question No: 9    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
Tiers represent the _____________ view of application.
       None of these
Question No: 10    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Managed Bean is JavaBeans which are defined in ------------------
       Configuration file
       Source file
       Class file
       None of these
Question No: 11    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 UDDI stands for
       Universal Description, Discovery & Integration (UDDI)
       Universal Data, Discovery & Integration (UDDI)
       Universal Data, Database & Integration (UDDI)
       None of these
Question No: 12    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 _____________ is a standard web based application framework.
Question No: 13    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following is a general purpose container?
Question No: 14    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
Which of the following component is/are used in directory Structure of web components?
       html, JSP, Images etc..
       web.xml, Classes folder
        lib, jar files
       All of the given options
Question No: 15    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following is a correct order for Bean scope in JSP page from most visible to least visible?
       application, session, request, page
       page, request, session, application
       session, page, request, application
       application, session, page, request
Question No: 16    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following is not included in simple tag while creating JSP custom tags?
       Start of tag
       End of tag
       None of the given options
Question No: 17    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 AWT is also called ______________.
       Light Weight Component
       Medium Weight Component
       Heavy Weight Component
       None of the given options
Question No: 18    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following is NOT a standard method called as a part of the JSP life cycle?
Question No: 19    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Initialization parameters of a servlet are defined in __________ file.
Question No: 20    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 The getSession() method of _________ returns HttpSession object.
Question No: 21    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Unpack directory structure of J2EE web application is __________
       Known as Web Archive file (WAR)
       Used during development of web application
       Used to deploy web application
       None of the given options
Question No: 22    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following directory is the top level TOMCAT directory that contains all the application deployed on web server?
Question No: 23    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Servlet mapping of a servlet is defined in _____________ file.
Question No: 24    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 By using forward() method of _________ object, the called resource will be able to access the original request object.
Question No: 25    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 A --------in HashMap is associated with each object thatisstored.
       None of the given options
Question No: 26    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following must be used to compare the values of two strings?
       = operator
       == operator
       equals() method
       compare() method
Question No: 27    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Mouse events can be trapped for ________ GUI component.
       All of the given options
Question No: 28    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Port is a transport address to which processes can ________ for connections request.
       None of the given options
Question No: 29    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 In which file do we define a servlet mapping?
       None of the given options
Question No: 30    ( M a r k s: 1 )    http://vuzs.net
 Which of the following is appropriate for Page-with-Bean approach?
       The code becomes a mixture of presentation, business and data access logic.
       The maintenance of the application becomes a nightmare.
       A lot of code is also get duplicated.
       All the business logic goes into one application.
Question No: 31    ( M a r k s: 2 )
 How to track a user session in Servlets?
the user can be tracked in a serlver by it’s state stored on the client side. These states are stored in the form of text or some values etc. this can also be a cookie. By storing this on the use side, user can be tracked by using the information written in it.
Question No: 32    ( M a r k s: 2 )
 Why do we use doTag() method in tag handler class?
    Answer: the dotag() method is used to implement/override to code functionality of tag. And this is invoked when the end element of the tag encountered.
Question No: 33    ( M a r k s: 2 )
 Differentiate between Layers and Tiers.
Layers are simply logical grouping of the software components that make up the application or service, whereas Tiers refer to the physical residence of those layers. In simple words layers represents the logical view of application while Tiers represents physical view of application.
Question No: 34    ( M a r k s: 2 )
 Why is direct call of paint() method not recommended?
The direct call of paint() is not recommended because all the graphical processes done automatically by the computer and is does not feel due to the modern computers processing speed. So we don’t call paint() method by recommendation.
Question No: 35    ( M a r k s: 3 )
 What is the preferred size of a component?
Question No: 36    ( M a r k s: 3 )
 Name three stages of servlet life cycle.
three stages of servlet life cycle are:
1-      Initialize
2-      Service
3-      destroy
Question No: 37    ( M a r k s: 3 )
 What is the difference between variable declared inside a declaration part and variable declared in scriplet part?
Question No: 38    ( M a r k s: 3 )
 How does JSF provide Navigation?
    Answer: JSF navigation determines the control flow of the web application. Jsf provide a default navigational handler and this behavior can be configured in the configuration. We can do this also visually by using tools like sun studio creator.
Question No: 39    ( M a r k s: 5 )
 What is expression in JSP? Give an example.
Question No: 40    ( M a r k s: 5 )
 What is validator? Discuss built-in-validators.
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