CS506 - Web Design and Development Finalterm Subjective Paper July 2012
Qno.1 What is JavaBean ?
Qno.2 How JSF does provide Navigation ?
Qno.3 What is Expression in JSP ? Give an example
Qno.4 Suppose you are Web Developer in SoftImpack company, you need to advise how can suggest JSP directive ?
Qno.5 What do you know about forward and how does work request dispatchers include method ?
Qno.6 Disadvantages of URL Rewriting ?
Qno.7 What are the Data Definition Language DDL, statement of SQL ?
Qno.8 diff b/w encodeURL and encodeRedierstURl
Qno.9 Differentiate between Web Services and We Pages ?
Qno.10 What is validator? write types of built in validator.
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