CS506 Web Design and Development Final term Subjective Papers(Feb, 2012)
• Disadvantage of Page-centerd approach (2 marks)
• Methods of session tracking (2 marks)
• what does finalization means? (2 marks)
• What does error 404 display? (3 marks)
• Why do we need Expression language?
• Jsp directive .
• Difference of forward and send redirect.
• Jsp page directive? (5 marks)
• Request dispatchers include method? (5 marks)
• Why J2EE is called multidirective? (5 marks)
• Methods of session tracking (2 marks)
• what does finalization means? (2 marks)
• What does error 404 display? (3 marks)
• Why do we need Expression language?
• Jsp directive .
• Difference of forward and send redirect.
• Jsp page directive? (5 marks)
• Request dispatchers include method? (5 marks)
• Why J2EE is called multidirective? (5 marks)
2 Marks each
Q1. What is the format in which the source code of Java converted after compilation?
Q2. How many types of comments are used in JSP?
Q3. How to track a user session in Servlet?
Q4 Write briefly two charaterstics of Expression Language?
Q4. Why yield ?() method used?
Q1. What is the format in which the source code of Java converted after compilation?
Q2. How many types of comments are used in JSP?
Q3. How to track a user session in Servlet?
Q4 Write briefly two charaterstics of Expression Language?
Q4. Why yield ?() method used?
Q1. Which method is used to read an object through serialization?
Q2. Explain your words that how Java bean is intended for use in some type of building tool?
Q3. What are expression language Nuggets?
Q4. What are the benefits of using Pakages? Explain.
Q5. What is the puposes of wait (), notify, notify all() methods?
Q1 Types of layers? Briefly explain each. (5 Marks )
Q2: What is expresion in JSP? Give an example (5 Marks )
Q3: Why tracking is necessary ?(5 Marks )
Q2. Explain your words that how Java bean is intended for use in some type of building tool?
Q3. What are expression language Nuggets?
Q4. What are the benefits of using Pakages? Explain.
Q5. What is the puposes of wait (), notify, notify all() methods?
Q1 Types of layers? Briefly explain each. (5 Marks )
Q2: What is expresion in JSP? Give an example (5 Marks )
Q3: Why tracking is necessary ?(5 Marks )
2 Mark Questions:
Write 2 Characteristics of Expression Language.
Why yield( ) method use ?
What is the hidden comment in JSP ?
Which method of ResultSetMetaData object is used to return the suggested column label for print out ?
Write 2 Characteristics of Expression Language.
Why yield( ) method use ?
What is the hidden comment in JSP ?
Which method of ResultSetMetaData object is used to return the suggested column label for print out ?
3 Marks Questions:
What is the purpose of wait( ) , notify( ) and notifyAll( ) methods ?
What are the three stages of Servlet Life cycle?
Advantages of using Custom Tags ?
How does JSF provides Navigation ?
Difference between static and non static inner class ?
What is the purpose of wait( ) , notify( ) and notifyAll( ) methods ?
What are the three stages of Servlet Life cycle?
Advantages of using Custom Tags ?
How does JSF provides Navigation ?
Difference between static and non static inner class ?
5 Marks Questions:
Which Five operators are used in Expression Language?
What is Expression in JSP? Give an example.
Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig?
Which Five operators are used in Expression Language?
What is Expression in JSP? Give an example.
Difference between ServletContext and ServletConfig?
Some other Current Questions:
Name any two logical layers of we application ?
Write briefly 2 characteristic of EL ?
Why do we use session tracking in HTTP servlets ?
How JSP pages are informed about the error ?
Write Code for a method ResultSetMeteData abject(RS) to return the DB name of 2nd column?
Write Advantages of JASP over Servlet?
What is Significance of error Pages?
Write features that JSP provide ?
How can we encode URL which is sent to Client?
What are the types of layers ?
Name any two logical layers of we application ?
Write briefly 2 characteristic of EL ?
Why do we use session tracking in HTTP servlets ?
How JSP pages are informed about the error ?
Write Code for a method ResultSetMeteData abject(RS) to return the DB name of 2nd column?
Write Advantages of JASP over Servlet?
What is Significance of error Pages?
Write features that JSP provide ?
How can we encode URL which is sent to Client?
What are the types of layers ?
How can overflow occur in floating point? (2 Marks)
What is Packet Switching? (2 Marks)
Difference between Eagle and modified Eagle (2 Marks)
Why we represent sometime some numbers in sign magnitude form. (2 Marks)
What is 4-address instruction set and when it use? (3 Marks)
Difference between virtual address and physical address (3 Marks)
Why Transaction Lockaside Buffer is used? How it is implemented inside CPU? (3 Marks)
What is sender overhead and receiver overhead in computer networks? (3 Marks)
What is difference of instruction in machine with and without Pipeline? (5 Marks)
Convert (0.23)10 to the base 2 address. (5 Marks)
Consider a 4 way set-associative cache with 256KB capacity and 32 byte lines (5 Marks)
a) How many sets are there in the cache? (5 Marks)
b) How many bits of address are required to select a set in cache? (5 Marks)
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