CS403- Database Management Systems (Session - 1)
MIDTERM 2011 Subjective
Q21:-what do you know about partial dependency? (2)
Q22:-Define domain of an attribute? (2)
Q23:-Define relationship type? (3)
Q24:-Describe shortly “ the difference Operation “ in relational algebra? (3)
Q25:-Explain the salient features of foreign key with help of example? (5)
Q26:-Consider the relation R with four attributes A,B,C and D and the functional dependencies
(A,B)->(C,D) and C->D
a). The above relation is normalized relation upto which normal form.
b).Write the PK of relation R. (5)
q.1 can constent object access the none constant mamber function ot eh class.
q.2. Give at least two problems that we should check when we overloading assignemts oprater ("=") in string class
Q3. Give c++ code to overloaded unary "--" oprators to comples member class.
q4.What is simple association? explain it with the help of example.
Q5.explain the defferent between the static variable of a class with none static variable with the help of example
20 mcqs very difficult
5 questions
1. discriminator dependecy (2 marks)
2. if relational data model support 3 level arhitecture(3 marks)
3. union relation (5marks)
4. CRM on base of diagramm (5 marks)
20 mcqs very difficult
5 questions
1. discriminator dependecy (2 marks)
2. if relational data model support 3 level arhitecture(3 marks)
3. union relation (5marks)
4. CRM on base of diagramm (5 marks)
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