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CS506 Mid term Paper Subjective 2011

Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Why do we use prepared Statement object? 5 marks
How can a GUI component handle its own events? 3 marks
What Difference between serialization and de-serialization? 3 marks
Write Different between abstract class and interface class? 2 marks
Write 4 types of JDBC Driver. 2 marks
If a method is declared as protected where can be the method accessed? 2 marks
How do we load a driver and how do we define a connection for URL and JDBC (5)
What is the difference between Applet and Application (5)
Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an inheritance and extending a class(3)
Difference between serialization and deserialization (3)
Difference between character oriented and byte oriented streams (2)
Why is executeUpdate() used (2)
Name component subclasses that support painting (2)


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